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Tag: Ukraine

Destroyed Russian UAV

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

“They are doing better” was the laconic, yet succinct, assessment of one Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) expert regarding Russia’s application of electronic warfare against...

Small UAVs, Big Challenges

IQPC’s Full Spectrum Air Defence conference, held in London on 28th and 29th June, saw valuable discussion on the role of electronic warfare within...

Electronic Warfare 21: Meeting the Cyber Warriors

Cyber threats and attacks are staples of the evening news, yet how cyber warfare supports conventional military operations is less discussed. The ongoing war in...
Image taken 6 June shows artillery shells exploding around town of Dolyna, Ukraine. (Maxar Technologies)

Ukraine War by Satellite Breaks New Ground in Media Coverage

The international media has been able to publish high quality images of the war in Ukraine as it unfolds day-by-day. Civilian companies such as...
TORN electronic warfare system

Torn Asunder

Armada continues its open-source analysis of Russian land forces’ electronic warfare capabilities deployed to the Ukraine theatre of operations, this month examining the Torn...
Tactical cyber warfare for dismounted troops

Closely Coordinated

The close coordination of tactical cyberwarfare and electronic warfare is imperative if both are to deliver useful effects on the battlefield. Much cyberwarfare discussion focuses...

Don’t Believe the Hype

The performance of the Russian Army’s Repellent-1 counter-UAV system maybe greatly exaggerated according to Armada’s latest analysis. Pity the poor Russian Electronic Warfare (EW) cadre....

Vitebsk Breakdown

Social media continues to be yield valuable open-source intelligence vis-à-vis electronic warfare systems deployed by Russia in the ongoing Ukraine conflict. On 10th April, the...

Look what I’ve found!

The capture of a Russian SATCOM system could yield useful intelligence for NATO. In early April, Ukrainian forces revealed they had captured a Russian Army...
A dramatic picture of a Chayka transmitting station. Three such stations in Russia and Belarus maybe providing PNT coverage to Russian forces deployed to Ukraine.

Chayka Compensates?

Russia maybe using her Chayka radio navigation system to outflank GNSS jamming in the Ukraine theatre of operations. Russia’s RSDN-10 Chayka system is like the...

Highlight of the Month