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Tag: US DoD

US DoD Begins Search for Joint Warfighting Cloud

The US Department of Defense (DoD) is initiating a new enterprise cloud service which will serve the joint force while cancelling another. The Joint Warfighting...

Small Box, Big Difference

Sagetech announced on 9th February that the firm’s new MX12B IFF transponder has been certified by the US Department of Defence. The MX12B micro...

WGS Protection Deepens

The US Air Force’s WGS satellite constellation will be outfitted with new electronic protection measures by 2022. Boeing is leading the US Air Force’s Mitigation...

Research and development will boost future growth opportunities, finds Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis, US DoD C4ISR Market, Forecast to 2024, reveals that budget spend requests are trending toward modernization, with less procurement...

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