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Tag: US Marine Corps

acv-30 rtft kongsberg

US Marines Approve ACV-30 Full-Rate Production in 9-Months

Kongsberg Défense and Aerospace is moving forward with full-rate production on its stabilized, remotely operated Medium Calibre Turret (MCT-30) for the US Marine Corps Amphibious Combat Vehicle...
Kongsberg NSM

Kongsberg awarded contract to deliver Naval Strike Missile to US Navy and Marine Corps...

Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KONGSBERG) has signed a multi-year procurement contract with the US Navy for the delivery of Naval Strike Missile (NSM) missiles...

Broadening C-UAS Detection and Take-down

While the Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems developers steadily increase in numbers and expertise, it can be the detection of low, slow and small UAVs that...
Naval Strike Missiles (NSM)

KONGSBERG to Establish Missile Factory in the US

Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace (‘KONGSBERG’) is building a state-of-the-art missile production facility in the United States to meet global demand, following expansion in Norway...
Northern Viking 2024

Iceland, US, and allies conduct annual ‘Northern Viking’ exercise

Iceland, the United States, four NATO partners, and NATO Allied Maritime Command’s (MARCOM’s) Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1) are underway with the US-led...

Setting the Right Heading for UGVs

Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) have undeniable potential on the battlefield, but matching design to customer expectation is not necessarily an easy obstacle to overcome. Deploying...
Ohio-class guided-missile submarine USS Georgia

USN Mediterranean training activity demonstrates amphibious and special forces integration with submarine ops

The US Navy (USN) has conducted integrated training, involving a nuclear-powered guided-missile submarine (SSGN) and marine reconnaissance personnel and naval special operations forces (SOF),...
USS Somerset

USN Indian Ocean and West African exercise deployments demonstrate global forward presence

The US Navy (USN) has been participating in exercises in the Indian Ocean and off West Africa, demonstrating its global, forward-deployed presence even while...
The US Navy’s USS Bataan amphibious ready group (ARG)

USMC generates amphibious presence on both NATO flanks

The US Marine Corps’ (USMC’s) 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), embarked in the US Navy’s (USN’s) USS Bataan amphibious ready group (ARG), arrived in...
Drone Buster

Flex Force Enterprises, A Leader in Integrated Air and Missile Defense

Flex Force Enterprises® manufactures the Dronebuster® counter-unmanned aircraft system and the ASP gyro-stabilized locally operated, crew served weapons mount. While Flex Force might be...

Highlight of the Month