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Tag: US Navy

USS Carney

Forward-deployed destroyers bring continued Euro-Atlantic experience for USN

US Navy (USN) DDG 51 Arleigh Burke-class destroyers that have previously been forward deployed to Rota, Spain are continuing to bring regional experience and...

Cambridge Pixel Supplies Frontier Electronic Systems with Advanced Radar Scan Conversion for US Navy

Cambridge Pixel announces it has been chosen by Frontier Electronic Systems (FES) to continue providing its advanced radar scan conversion solution, following their award...
USS Gabrielle Giffords

Striking Back

Raytheon’s Tomahawk cruise missile Block development provides new challenges to Kongsberg’s increasingly popular Naval Strike Missile. For a long time in the post-Cold War world,...
Kvertus AD Counter FPV System

April Spectrum SitRep

Armada’s monthly round-up of all the latest electronic warfare news in the product, programme and operational domains. New CUAV Systems for Ukrainian Military In early March...
USS Somerset

USN Indian Ocean and West African exercise deployments demonstrate global forward presence

The US Navy (USN) has been participating in exercises in the Indian Ocean and off West Africa, demonstrating its global, forward-deployed presence even while...

Nordic Response wraps up maritime component of NATO Steadfast Defender exercise

NATO has completed the maritime component of ‘Steadfast Defender’ – its major exercise for developing and demonstrating the capability and capacity to surge reinforcements...
The US Navy’s USS Bataan amphibious ready group (ARG)

USMC generates amphibious presence on both NATO flanks

The US Marine Corps’ (USMC’s) 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), embarked in the US Navy’s (USN’s) USS Bataan amphibious ready group (ARG), arrived in...
Thales SMART-L naval surveillance radar

Naval Radar Market Forecast $2.6 Billion Over 15 Years

The market for naval surveillance radars to equip large surface combatants could be worth in excess of $2.6 billion over the next 15 years. Naval...
The UK Royal Navy (RN) submarine HMS Vanguard

UK Trident test demonstrates submarine’s readiness to return to operations

The UK Royal Navy (RN) submarine HMS Vanguard has conducted a Trident missile firing that has demonstrated the boat’s readiness to return to operations...
The 132 ft autonomous Sea Hunter USV (Image credit: U.S. Navy)

US Navy to form second USV squadron

The U.S. Navy plans to stand up its second unmanned surface drone squadron this May, two years after the U.S. Pacific Fleet (CNSP) formed...

Highlight of the Month