Thinking, Inside the Box

Special forces around the world are keeping a keen eye on technological trends in the artificial intelligence and cyber domains as they seek to...
Polish soldier from the GROM unit

Special Effects

The contemporary operating environment remains an extremely busy one for international Special Operations Forces (SOF), as governments continue to recognise and further extend their...
Camero’s Xaver 400

We Want Information!

Command and Control (C2) technology continues to dominate current operations with ever-increasing demands placed on airborne, maritime and land-based systems in support of dismounted...
Revision Military’s initial concept

Left To My Own Devices

The contemporary operating environment’s hybrid mix of regular and irregular warfare continues to be illustrated around the World with state and non-state actors employing...
Invisio’s V60 product

Time to Accessorize

Often neglected in the world of tactical radios, but as vital as the transceivers themselves, are the accessories which enable the radios to be...
SOF troop

Strike from the Sea

Armada launches its new Stirling column providing the latest news and developments in the Special Forces community. Named after David Stirling, the founder of...

Highlight of the Month