Electronic Warfare Podcast 13: Hello again, Dr. Jones!

The RV Jones Institute is working hard to foster excellence in electromagnetic spectrum operations.

The institute takes its name from Dr. Reginald Jones, the assistant director of intelligence for science at the UK’s Air Ministry during the Second World War.

In this edition of Armada International’s Electronic Warfare podcast we catch up with Melinda and Steve Tourangeau. Ms. Tourangeau is the chair of the institute’s board of directors and the institute’s executive director, while Mr. Tourangeau is the institute’s dean. They talk to us about the organisation’s important work and how members of the electromagnetic spectrum operations community can get involved.

RV Jones Institute
The RV Jones Institute is dedicating itself to encouraging excellence in electromagnetic spectrum operations.

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Electronic Warfare Podcast 13: Hello again, Dr. Jones! (528 downloads)

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Editor, Defence commentator, journalist, military historian.